What is the meaning of “you bet!”? - English Language & Usage …
Mar 26, 2011 · Is person 1 saying the first sentence and person 2 is saying "you bet" , or this is a one complete sentence up to "you bet" by only one person? – user54352 Commented Oct 17, …
Meaning/origin of "You bet" as a response to "Thank you"
Aug 2, 2013 · The phrase "you bet" is the equivalent of saying "that's for sure." Essentially, the speaker is replying in the affirmative. The extension of the idiom to the context of a radio show …
politeness - Can "Sure" be used to respond to "Thanks"? - English ...
Jul 21, 2011 · It doesn't really mean much at all; you could compare it to replying with something like Okay, No problem, or Don't mention it. In many other contexts, sure more emphatically …
slang - Are the terms "welsh" or "welch" (as in reneging on a bet ...
It was intended as derogatory, you couldn't trust a medieval Welshman. The medieval clergyman Gerald of Wales (c. 1146 – c. 1223, of mixed Norman and Welsh descent) didn't like them very …
"Bet on" vs "bet for" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Dec 3, 2020 · The reason why I'd rather use "bet" is because I need to express the sense of risk that would represent such a commitment, and the fact that such a bet can be lost. These are …
idioms - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jul 14, 2018 · To understand "dollars to doughnuts" you have to realize that, when the phrase was coined, a dollar was worth considerably more than a doughnut; hence, a person who was …
expressions - I bet you're... vs. You must be - English Language ...
Feb 9, 2018 · I bet you are tired would always be understood as being figurative in this context, but it does mean - in a jokey way - 'I am so certain you are tired that I would bet money on it in …
meaning - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
In the case of renege, I bet your supervisor thought, “It means something negative, so it must be related to the racist derivatives of negro.” (As you correctly point out, the same thing has …
Where did the phrase "I don't give a rat's ass" come from?
Apr 21, 2017 · An earlier phrase or progenitor was "you bet your sweet patootie." Now, with that in mind, consider this citation: "Say, Dan, I want you to take a slant at my gal's photos--you ain't …
Meaning of "well you done done me and you bet I felt it"
Nov 14, 2012 · You done me in - to do one in: to "kill" someone - You had a big impact or killed me. You done me wrong - to do someone wrong You cheated on me. Other done. South …