BetterMan is the definitive voice surrounding manhood and masculinity today. A series of group studies consisting of weekly video teachings and group discussions, BetterMan provides a …
A Good Man stands against the tide of culture, speaking words of truth that counteract the devil's lies. Your son is wonderfully and fearfully made—this book will help you show them what that …
BetterMan Core is where it all began. Men live in a day and time where it isn't clear how they are to work, play, love and serve. Conflicting messages tell men to lead, while others say get out …
BetterMan Defined is a follow-up series built on the 11-week BetterMan Core Curriculum. BetterMan Defined is a series of four 5-week curriculums—each curriculum is a deep dive into …
BetterMan is backed by biblical truth and the latest Barna research and data. When creating the 11-week BetterMan group study, we enlisted the Barna Group to uncover how today’s men …
We are excited to offer you a high-quality, multicolor book designed to help guide you and your men over the 11-week BetterMan Group journey. We provide these workbooks at our print …