ice retreats can law fill the gap? Climate Policy 2019. 3) Van Soest, R. W. M. et al. World Porifera Database. Accessed at on ...
Membership of the Royal Society of Biology (RSB) is open to learned societies, membership organisations, corporate bodies and councils operating in the biological sciences, as well as to schools and ...
I was pleasantly surprised when I initially thumbed through the 500-plus pages of this book. The layout is clear and concise, and is a single-author textbook, which means you are not faced with ...
Vertebrate life is almost as diverse as it is ubiquitous across most habitats around the globe, from small to large animals living in water or on the land. This is the story, history and key features ...
The last major academic book on carnivorous plants was in 1989, so it is high time for an up-to-date text reflecting the use of modern techniques such as genome analysis and tissue culture. This is a ...
Dame Julia, perhaps you could tell the readers of The Biologist a bit about yourself? JG: I've just retired as vice-chancellor at the University of Kent. Prior to that, I was chief executive of the ...
For an increasingly urbanised population, the agricultural landscape is a distant view from the car on long journeys – often beautiful and peaceful, but far removed from our daily lives. Look closely, ...
Highlight the key issues facing early career lecturers. Facilitate a network for early career lecturers to discuss and debate these issues. Run targeted events to provide support for early career ...
The first seed guide for Amazonian rainforests written by field leaders. Both authors have worked intensively for years using several grants to complete this project, with one author collecting seeds ...
A fascinating insight into the world of seeds, this book covers just some of the 370,000 known seed-bearing plant species. The seeds were chosen to represent the ‘best’ of each of a wide range of ...
Richard Fortey found his first trilobite aged just 14, after braving gorse bushes to break rocks on St David's Peninsula, the westernmost tip of Wales. This first encounter with a trilobite – which ...
The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) is Scotland's National Academy and contributes to the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of Scotland through the advancement of learning and useful knowledge.