Every unit also has a rarity: Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, Exclusive, and Secret. As the names suggest, Legendary is better than Rare and Epic—with Mythical, Exclusive, and Secret units taking the ...
Snapping an eight-game losing streak and an 11-game home losing streak, Del Sol was able to shoot 33% from beyond the arch, ...
Človek, ki ni mogel molčati, je hrvaški kratki film, nominiran za oskarja. Prihajata dve novi epizodi Ločitev. začenja se ...
V torek se začenja svetovno prvenstvo v alpskem smučanju v Avstriji, na katerem bo Slovenijo zastopalo 14 tekmovalcev.
Marseille, 31. januarja - Slovenska atletinja Neja Filipič je na mitingu srebrne svetovne serije v Miramasu na jugu Francije s 13,94 metra zasedla četrto mesto. Kubanka Liadagmis Povea, peta leta 2021 ...
Neja Filipič je na mitingu srebrne svetovne serije v Miramasu na jugu Francije s 13,94 metra zasedla četrto mesto. Kubanka ...
Na nočnem slalomu v Courchevelu je Zrinka Ljutić prišla do tretje zmage zime. Andreja Slokar je sicer zapravila izjemno šesto ...
The ATS carried out the raid in Dholka based on the inputs shared by one of the six accused arrested in the earlier drug bust ...
Ahmedabad: Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) on Tuesday seized 500kg of Tramadol from an industrial unit in Dholka of ...
DROGHEDA-BASED North East Judo Academy (NEJA) kicked off the new year with its annual Kagami Biraki celebration in the town.
Scholars speculate that gatka was established by the sixth Sikh guru, Guru Hargobind, who introduced the kirpan (dagger) for ...
Slovenska atletinja Neja Filipič je na dvoranskem mitingu zlate svetovne serije v Astani v Kazahstanu zmagala v troskoku s 14 ...