February is Black History Month, and there are various events taking place in Cincinnati to celebrate the occasion.
Ruth Simmons talks about how her upbringing and life experiences illustrate a determination to overcome obstacles and the transforming power of education ...
During the early development of television, and long before the Civil Rights Movement began in the 1950s, Black entertainers ...
Black History Month was recognized nationally in 1976, when President Gerald Ford designated the month as a time for the ...
Analice Elliott, 13, loves fashion and wants to be an architect. Here's why she's a Fayetteville Observer Future Black History Maker.
Noelle Williams, 6, says her favorite thing about herself is she's a good person. Here's why she's a Future Black History ...
Madison McMillan, 10, likes to crochet and wants to be an entrepreneur. Here's why she's a Future Black History Maker.
Trevon McLean Jr., 8, 'strives for excellence in everything he does'. Here's why he's a Future Black History Maker.
Jade Bratcher, 8, loves making toys and wants to be a toy creator when she grows up. Here's why she's a Fayetteville Observer ...
Zola Banks, 10, is a good dancer and loves meeting people. Here's why she's a Fayetteville Observer Future Black History ...
The new paper, published January 7 in Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science ... Hauksbee the Younger was an instrument maker and science lecturer who became ...