The Explore website operates all the live cameras for Polar Bears International. But it's not just about polar bears. While ...
The Birds, Bears, and Belugas Safari with Churchill Wild is a rare and incredible opportunity, with only around 8,000 adventurers having experienced this breathtaking walking safari in over 33 years.
In Churchill, Manitoba—where polar bears outnumber the 900 human residents—there's more to discover than just wildlife.
The temperature of the Tundra is cold for most of the year ... darker leaves help to absorb energy from the sun. Animals such as polar bears and Arctic fox have thick fur to keep warm.
from Polar Bears International (PBI). Alysa and her team are in the Canadian Arctic just outside Churchill, Manitoba, in a tundra buggy - an observation lab on tracks, which allows them to watch ...
The Lost Lands of the Tundra is now Europe's biggest polar bear reserve and will also feature other animals including the park's arctic wolves. "I put my property up against it to get quite a ...
The tundra is the coldest of all the ... region has the same climate zone, but different animals live there. The Antarctic has no polar bears, but it does have penguins. A sloth in the rainforest.