Akira Toriyama, who created the Japanese anime series Dragon Ball Z, died at the age of 68. The Manga creator breathed his last on March 1 from an acute subdural haemorrhage, according to the ...
I know, sounds sad, right? How did such a quiet, timid kid ever manage to find friends? Well, it all goes back to a little show called Dragon Ball Z and its creator, Akira Toriyama. Like many long ...
Akira Toriyama, who was 68 ... So it's very understandably a very sad day." And comic shop manager Nick paid his own tribute to the man who's left a mark on millions around the world.
Piccolo's layered past might be the most overwhelming information to remember, not just for the Dragon Ball fans but also for ...
Akira Toriyama suffered an acute subdural hematoma ... "It's too soon, it's too sad," another Japanese X user wrote. "His legacy will live on forever. Thank you for creating the most iconic ...
“Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump” took the world by storm but their creator, manga artist Akira Toriyama, initially harbored deep reservations when starting out on the projects. Toriyama died ...