Akira Toriyama, one of Japan’s leading comics authors, whose manga and anime franchise “Dragon Ball” achieved worldwide success with its mix of comedic characters and rousing martial arts ...
The death of the man behind one of the best-selling and most influential Japanese comics of all time has sparked a global outpouring of grief. Akira Toriyama, who was 68, was best known for Dragon ...
Japanese manga artist Toriyama Akira — creator of "Dragon Ball" and ... When news broke of 68-year-old Toriyama's death, many renowned artists in the industry mourned his passing.
The manga will be available in a special box set including all 42 volumes, each featuring two covers: the original version by Akira Toriyama and an alternate cover illustrated by another mangaka.
Akira Toriyama suffered an acute ... dragon balls that can give him super powers. Mr Toriyama had uncompleted works at the time of his death. He died on 1 March and only his family and very ...