And I know the feeling of freedom can go away at any time — a medical diagnosis, job loss, even relationships. There are many ...
In my work with parents who are caring for a child with an eating disorder, I’ve become keenly aware of the language we use when talking about kids and food. Our words can shape our attitudes ...
“If I could get an IV of Diet Coke, I would,” Daryl-Ann Denner tells me over Zoom. We’re sitting in our respective kitchens sipping on large Diet Cokes, also known as “LDCs” to the ...
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Let’s get one thing straight: My well-worn copies of Emily Oster’s books Expecting Better and Cribsheet are dog-eared and underlined, and The Family Firm is currently on my nightstand.
When Trump won in 2016, there was a groundswell movement to protect women's rights. Suddenly there were seemingly endless books and think pieces about where women go from there, and how to raise ...
It was 6 p.m., about a month into my son’s kindergarten year, when an email popped up telling me there’d be a lockdown drill at school the next day. I responded in a fugue state, replying to ...
Can you tell me how to get to bed?
In 2022, Natalie Mitchell welcomed her first child. A few weeks in, Mitchell’s pediatrician began pressuring her to get her baby to gain weight, but he struggled with feeding. “It was always ...
Last year, a letter in the medical journal Pediatrics argued that the frightening decline in mental health among American kids can be partly explained by a lack of independent play. When kids don ...