Gohan's role in the Saiyan Saga revolves around his relationship with Goku and Piccolo, showcasing his hidden power. Gohan was not created to replace Goku, and represents the next generation of ...
Gohan has been through a lot in Dragon Ball’s history, going from a toddler in Dragon Ball Z to one of the strongest ...
At some point in the Dragon Ball series, it seemed Gohan was about to become the main character. So why didn't he?
Gohan has had two of the best mentors in the entire franchise, but is it better for him to use Goku's final move or Piccolo's ...
The Buu Saga was the arc that really tipped the power scaling of the franchise, so let's look at who the strongest character ...
Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero brings Beast Gohan back as an unforgettable transformation, proving why he's among the most ...
What’s coming in the new Dragon Ball Sparking Zero DLC pack? There’s a batch of new characters, including one of the strongest.
When Gohan and Krillin came across the elderly Namekian Guru during the Frieza Saga, he didn’t just give ... and Vegeta in the latest episode, the Saiyan Prince was holding his own in his ...