One of the best anime movies Akira (Image via Tokyo Movie Shinsha) Set in the dystopic Neo-Tokyo, the genre-defining Akira, animated by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, chronicles Kaneda and Tetsuo as their ...
"Old" is a relative term; not everything millennials and previous generations hold sacred should be considered ancient just ...
Canon movies like Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F' are retellings of anime events and are acknowledged ... aren't written by the series creator, Akira Toriyama, and since he has minimal input ...
Even in formal workplaces, love still finds a way to flourish. Here are the top anime to watch if you love the workplace ...
​​​​​​It was confirmed that Demon Slayer's conclusion would be covered in a movie trilogy. The first of these movies is ...
The Japanese Film Festival (JFF) is returning once again to Philippine theaters this February 2025. Rolling into cinemas in ...
Live-action anime adaptations usually have a bad reputation, but an epic Jackie Chan fantasy film qualifies as a great ...
With both the Moro and Granolah Arcs having yet to be animated, it remains a question ... that managa all works from deceased creator Akira Toriyama. Thanks to recently appearing on the radio ...
Ghost of Tsushima is the latest exciting anime announcement for video game fans, but it needs the artistic flair of one particular game mode.