Dragon Ball's newest adventure, the whimsical and adventurous Daima, takes place in the time between the Majin Buu Saga and Beerus' arrival on Earth. Reverting Goku to a child once more ...
Dragon Ball Daima has kicked off the endgame for its new anime series this Winter, but it’s really looking like Majin Kuu and ...
A new character was introduced at the very end of the Majin Buu Saga of Dragon Ball Z, a young boy named Uub, who we come to learn is one of the martial arts pupils of none other than the ...
If you also want to watch Goku's earlier adventures, Amazon has an exclusive Dragon Ball Z Complete Series Box Set for $130 ...
Volume 42 wraps up the Majin Buu Saga. In Oda’s version, you can see Goku waving goodbye and thanking fans, echoing the sentiment of Toriyama’s original sentiment. While the art style is ...
The Tamagami are serve as some of Daima's greatest antagonists, so how do they compare to other Dragon Ball villains in strength?
These are the designs of Majin Kuu and Majin Duu, the successors of Majin Buu introduced in ‘Dragon Ball Daima’ and designed by a Toriyama who left us last March. The Jump Festa served as a ...