Rest assured that both eReaders will let you read your digital library, but which one is the best for you? Let's find out.
If you’re feeling bored because it’s too cold to go outside, here’s an e-reader deal that might help: Woot is selling a ...
Beyond the screen, the most important specs are battery life and storage, and the Paperwhite has both — in spades. With the 8GB model, you can have thousands of ebooks on your Kindle ...
These are the best Kindles and e-readers you can buy, based on our testing and hands-on use. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works.
Find out more about how we test. The Amazon Kindle Paperwhite costs a good chunk more than the standard Kindle, so why would you upgrade? Because you get some extra features that are actually ...