Akira Toriyama, who created the Japanese anime series Dragon Ball Z, died at the age of 68. The Manga creator breathed his last on March 1 from an acute subdural haemorrhage, according to the ...
The death of the man behind one of the best-selling and most influential Japanese comics of all time has sparked a global outpouring of grief. Akira Toriyama, who was 68, was best known for Dragon ...
During my preteen years, I was what most would call shy. Shy to an extreme degree. I loved card games. But with no one to play, I would collect them and play both sides of a match. I know, sounds ...
Piccolo's layered past might be the most overwhelming information to remember, not just for the Dragon Ball fans but also for ...
The creator of Dragon Ball, one of the most influential and best-selling Japanese comics of all time, has died at 68. Akira Toriyama suffered an acute subdural hematoma, a type of bleeding near ...
“Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump” took the world by storm but their creator, manga artist Akira Toriyama, initially harbored deep reservations when starting out on the projects. Toriyama died ...