The commodities, which were flagged off by Health Cabinet Secretary Deborah Barasa on Friday, March 14, include ARV drugs ...
The health clinic where Alice Okwirry collects her HIV medication in Kenya's capital Nairobi has been rationing supplies of ...
Without urgent intervention, Kenya risks a surge in new HIV infections, which currently stand at 16,752 annually, NSDCC said.
Since its inception in 2003, PEPFAR has been instrumental in supporting HIV/AIDS programmes in countries including Kenya.
Doctors, clinical officers, nurses, laboratory technologists, pharmacists, community health workers and staff funded by the US Government have been impacted. Service Disruptions: Some facilities ...
Katrina Ortblad, ScD, MPH, Fred Hutch Cancer Center, collaborates with researchers from the Kenya Medical Research Institute ...
At the Nyumbani Children's Home in Kenya's capital Nairobi, the facility's staff fear for the future of children with ...
NAIROBI (Reuters) - The health clinic where Alice Okwirry collects her HIV medication in Kenya's capital Nairobi has been rationing supplies of antiretrovirals to one-month refills since the U.S ...
NAIROBI (Reuters) -The health clinic where Alice Okwirry collects her HIV medication in Kenya's capital Nairobi has been rationing supplies of antiretrovirals to one-month refills since the U.S ...
Without U.S. funding, distribution from the warehouse, which stocks all U.S. government-donated HIV medicine to Kenya, has ceased, leaving supplies of some drugs worryingly low, according to a ...
Kenya HIV Patients Live in Fear as US Aid Freeze Strands Drugs in Warehouse By Aaron Ross, Tim Cocks and Vivianne Wandera NAIROBI (Reuters) - The health clinic where Alice Okwirry collects her HIV ...